How Does PRP Hair Treatment Work?


How Does PRP Hair Treatment Work?

The Power of PRP Hair Restoration: Reclaiming Your Crowning Glory

Hair loss is a common concern that affects both men and women as they age. Many individuals seek effective solutions to regrow and thicken their hair without resorting to invasive procedures or harsh chemicals. In recent years, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) hair restoration has emerged as a promising treatment, offering a non-surgical and natural approach to rejuvenating thinning or receding hair. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what PRP is, how the treatment works, the results it can achieve, and its role in regrowing and thickening hair. We’ll also discuss the longevity of PRP results and additional ways to complement PRP hair restoration, including the use of over-the-counter Rogaine.

What is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a cutting-edge medical treatment that utilizes your body’s own blood to stimulate healing and tissue regeneration. PRP Therapy has been widely used in various medical fields, including orthopedics and sports medicine, for its ability to accelerate the body’s natural healing processes. It’s to no surprise that we are now using it as a regenerative medicine tool in the aesthetics industry to increase collagen, for undereye treatment, microneedling skin rejuvenation, and hair restoration.

PRP is derived from a small sample of your own blood, which is processed to separate the platelets and growth factors from other blood components. These concentrated platelets contain bioactive proteins that promote tissue repair and regeneration.

How Does PRP Hair Treatment Work?

PRP hair restoration treatment harnesses the regenerative properties of PRP to stimulate each weak or dormant hair follicle and promote natural hair growth. Here’s how the treatment works:

Blood Collection:

A small sample of your blood is drawn, typically from your arm.


The collected blood is placed in a centrifuge machine, which spins it at high speeds to separate the platelets and growth factors.

PRP Extraction

The concentrated PRP is extracted and prepared for application.

PRP Injection into the Scalp

PRP is injected directly into the scalp, mainly focused on areas of hair thinning or loss.

Stimulation of Hair Follicles

The growth factors in PRP stimulate dormant or weakened hair follicles, promoting hair regrowth and increasing the thickness and density of existing hair.

What Are the Results of PRP Hair Restoration?

The results of PRP hair restoration can vary from person to person, but many patients experience:

Hair Regrowth

PRP hair treatments can help stimulate the regrowth of dormant or weakened hair follicles, leading to new hair growth.

Increased Hair Thickness

Existing hair often becomes thicker and stronger.

Improved Hair Density

PRP can lead to a higher density of hair in treated areas.

Natural-Looking Results

PRP promotes natural-looking hair regrowth, ensuring that the results blend seamlessly with your existing hair.

Does PRP Regrow Hair?

Yes, PRP hair restoration can effectively stimulate hair regrowth, particularly in cases of androgenetic alopecia (pattern baldness) or mild to moderate hair loss. It is essential to understand that the success of your PRP hair loss treatment may vary depending on factors such as the extent of hair loss and individual response to the treatment. It is recommended to consult with a medical professional to determine if PRP is suitable for your specific case.

How Long Does PRP Hair Restoration Last?

The duration of PRP hair restoration results can vary among individuals. While some people may experience long-lasting effects, others may require periodic maintenance sessions to sustain the benefits. Typically, patients may need a series of initial treatments followed by maintenance sessions every 6 to 12 months to maintain the results.

Does PRP Thicken Hair?

Yes, one of the significant benefits of PRP hair restoration is that it can thicken existing hair. PRP stimulates the hair follicle, leading to thicker and stronger hair strands. This can improve the overall texture and density of your thinning hair, making it look healthier and more voluminous.

How Many PRP Sessions Are Needed?

The number of PRP sessions required varies depending on the individual’s specific condition, the extent of hair loss, and the desired results. Typically, a series of PRP sessions are recommended initially, with treatments spaced about 4 to 6 weeks apart. After the initial series, maintenance treatment sessions may be necessary every 6 to 12 months to sustain the results.

Before & After 1 PRP Hair Treatment, 4 weeks apart

Additional Ways to Treat Hair Loss: Over-the-Counter Rogaine

While PRP hair restoration offers a powerful non-surgical solution to hair loss, it can be complemented by other hair restoration treatments to maximize results. One such option is the use of over-the-counter Rogaine (minoxidil). Here’s how it can be incorporated into your hair restoration regimen:


Consult with a medical professional to determine the most suitable treatment plan for your hair loss.

PRP Treatment

Begin with PRP hair restoration to stimulate hair regrowth and enhance hair thickness and density.

Rogaine Use

As directed by your healthcare provider, you can incorporate Rogaine into your daily routine. Rogaine is a topical solution that can help maintain and improve the results of PRP treatment by promoting hair regrowth and minimizing further hair loss.


The key to success with Rogaine is consistent and long-term use. It may take several months to see visible results, so patience is essential.

Final Thoughts

PRP hair restoration is a groundbreaking treatment that offers hope to those experiencing hair loss. By harnessing the regenerative power of Platelet-Rich Plasma, this non-surgical approach can stimulate hair regrowth, increase hair thickness, and improve hair density. The results of PRP hair restoration are often natural-looking and can be long-lasting with the right maintenance.

For those looking to enhance their hair restoration journey, over-the-counter Rogaine can be a valuable addition to their treatment regimen. Combined with PRP, these approaches can provide a powerful one-two punch against hair loss, helping individuals regain their confidence and reclaim their crowning glory. If you’re interested in exploring PRP hair restoration or other hair loss treatments, consult with a medical professional to determine the best plan for your specific needs.

If you still have questions, leave a comment below, reach out on Instagram, or schedule a consultation at our Greensboro or Asheboro clinics. At Rejuvenation MD Aesthetics and Vein Center, we offer a range of in-office facial rejuvenation treatments and skincare products to help you maintain skin you love. Dr. Chaudhary can customize a treatment plan based on your unique needs and preferences, ensuring maximum comfort and safety.

Umbreen Chaudhary, MD

Umbreen Chaudhary is the founder of Rejuvenation MD Aesthetics & Vein Center and Rejuvenation MD Skincare. Dr. Chaudhary has over sixteen years of experience in aesthetic medicine and strives to provide natural-looking results to her patients.

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