
Our Guide to Laser Hair Removal Greensboro NC


Our Guide to Laser Hair Removal Greensboro NC

Lasers are incredible. They can be used to treat acne, acne scars, fine lines, and unwanted body hair. Laser hair removal is a hot topic, especially with “shorts season” coming up! Has “No Shave November” become a winter tradition because of the hassle of constant ingrown hairs, razor burn/bumps, and stubble coming back literally hours after a fresh shave? It is just too annoying to keep up with! We hear you, and we are with you! We’ve put together our guide to laser hair removal Greensboro NC edition so you can decide if laser hair removal is right for you.

So, what are you saving by finally investing in laser hair removal?


On average, people spend at least three days out of every week shaving for around 10 minutes each day. That’s a full day of your life spent just on shaving alone. Now, if you’re a person that must shave daily, you’re spending almost 3 days of your life on just shaving that unwanted hair. We can think of about a million other things we would rather be doing over the course of 3 days. When time is money, every minute counts.

Speaking of Money…

Let’s talk about the price of razors. It is recommended to change razors after 7 uses. Having to purchase fresh razors every couple of weeks for the rest of your life adds up! If you’re buying cheap razors and shaving creams you’re looking at a lifetime spending of over $6,000. For the higher-end products and razors that number can be over $20,000 in a lifetime. Excuse me, what? That could pay off a car. Let’s not forget to mention how pricey waxing can be. Needless to say, never having to add razors to a shopping list again is something everyone can look forward to.

Laser hair removal cost varies depending on the laser treatment area.

Now That I Know What It Can Save Me, What Areas Can Be Treated With Laser Hair Removal?

Hair color matters. Only dark hair is treatable with lasers. No peach fuzz, gray, blonde, or red hair unfortunately can be treated. If the hair is dark, we can treat it, no matter the area! Some common areas we treat are:

  • Legs
  • Upper lip
  • Chin
  • Under arms
  • Bikini
  • Back

Why Do I Need to Go to a Doctor’s Office for Laser Hair Removal?

At Rejuvenation MD Aesthetics & Vein Center, our laser is all-inclusive. No matter if you have dark skin, light skin, or somewhere in between, your hair can be treated at Rejuvenation MD Aesthetics & Vein Center. You must be very careful when choosing a laser provider, as many lasers are not safe for people of color. You run the risk of irritation and burns if you use a laser or settings not suited for your skin tone. In our office, your laser technician will always be a medical professional who is specifically trained to individualize your treatment settings based on your skin and ethnicity so you can trust us to provide you with the safest, most effective treatment for unwanted body hair.

How Many Treatments Should Be Expected?

Think of laser hair removal as a marathon, not a sprint. On average, depending on the treatment area, 6-8 treatments are recommended every 4 weeks. Our hair grows in cycles, we want to catch the hair at the beginning of the growth cycle at each treatment for the best results.

Why Didn’t My Laser Hair Removal Last?

Laser hair removal doesn’t always produce permanent results. Sometimes you may see hair regrowth after treatments. It is important to know that laser hair removal only provides an 80% reduction, so for those with stubborn hormone imbalances, PCOS or just thicker or darker hair in general, more treatments may be required. Getting pregnant after your laser hair removal treatment is complete could stimulate hair growth due to hormone changes as well. Other reasons your laser hair removal was not successful could be from the area being under-treated or not treated with the correct laser or settings. This goes back to patients choosing a laser provider who is educated, knowledgeable, and realistic regarding individual treatment and results.

How to Prepare for your Laser Hair Removal Appointment

NO WAXING!- if you’re just beginning laser hair removal treatments or even if you’ve already started, it is important to know that you must never wax the hair in the areas that are being treated. Waxing damages the follicle, which is what the laser targets.

Please come with a FRESH shave!- The areas treated must be shaved smooth so we reduce the risk of burns! Freshly shaved areas help the laser target the hair follicle without it focusing all of its laser energy on the hair itself.

NO SELF-TANNERS!- The laser seeks pigment, so if you come in with a fresh spray tan or if you’ve been tanning or in the sun, you run the risk of experiencing burns or blisters. We want your skin au natural!

NO RETINOL!- We know our patients are diligent with their skin care, but using retinol before a laser treatment can make the skin more sensitive to damage. We recommend you stop using retinol a week before treatment.

At Rejuvenation MD Aesthetics & Vein Center, our highly trained medical professionals take an individualized approach to laser hair removal. We are meticulous and thorough when to ensure our patients receive the best treatment possible. If you are at all considering laser hair removal, we encourage you to call our office and schedule a consultation.

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